Thanks for Helping Support Our Rescue Dogs (and Cat)!

Bam Bam had just been tossed from a car into a strange neighborhood filled with people and things she’d never seen before. Camo was staggering around for several days lost in the woods with her head stuck in a plastic jar, unable to eat or drink. Bud E. showed up looking lost and hungry. Buzzy appeared on the porch during a night of bad weather, wet and injured. Huck came in running and howling like a scalded ass ape. Floyd snuck in under the cover of darkness (again). Tater Chip was one of several puppies rescued from a flooded drainpipe. And Doobie (the cat) was the only one in the litter that didn’t get run over.

Doobie the Rescue Cat

That pretty much brings us up to date, but the week ain't over yet ;-)

We learned long ago that “no” just isn’t in our vocabulary when it comes to stray animals. If they show up, they’re immediately adopted into our family once it’s clear they have no other home. There’s something in their eyes that looks into our heart and makes an instant connection. In fact, we don’t really understand people who can’t see the love in a dog’s face.

So here we are, a couple of 60-somethings raising a family full of four-legged fur babies. With heavy emphasis on family. Most of the “children” live in the human house and sleep in real human beds. They all eat high-quality grain-free food and none of ‘em ever miss a snack. Every dog receives regular veterinary care and required medications. And all dogs get plenty of love and attention. It’s a 24/7 operation.

That’s what this website is all about – providing and caring for our extended family. Every dollar goes to the support of our animals – food, treats, medications, vet bills, and more. So, it's with tremendous gratitude that we extend a sincere “Thank You” to every visitor who purchases dog toys from

And, a big thanks from all the kids too!


Check out some of the gang below. Click on their pics to learn more.