Buzzy Buzz - Our German Shepherd Rescue Dog

Meet The Rescue: “Buzzy Buzz”

Meet The Rescue: “Buzzy Buzz”

He was wet. He was cold. He was hungry. And he was scared. He had a broken toe, a broken tooth, and, judging from the look in his eyes, he wasn’t too far away from a broken heart. It was an extended July 4th weekend. The nightly fireworks and occasional summer thunderstorms must have been too much for him. So he ran, eventually making his way to our front porch. The inside dogs let us know we had company, as is their job.

Our German Shepherd Rescue Dog, Buzzy Buzz!

We brought the invading German Shepherd inside where it was warm and dry. He wolfed down a real meal as he stared and wondered about all the new faces he was seeing. We all stared back at him, wondering what to do with this big ass dog, even though inside we both already knew the answer. Buzzy Buzz instantly became the newest member of our family.

Buzzy got the royal treatment, like they all do. A trip or two to the vet to get his broken toe and broken canine looked at. Checked him for a chip (none) and got him up to date on all shots. And off with die Hoden (German for “Buzzy got fixed”).

Buzzy Buzz, the Rescue German Shepherd

Back home, the Buzzer settled in to his own private kennel and dog run, with daily rides around the property and lots of playtime becoming his new routine. For us, just seeing his ears perked and his eyes lit up makes it all worth the effort! Quite an improvement over the first night we all met, to say the least. 


  • Name: Buzzy Buzz
  • Breed: German Shepherd
  • Born: Summer 2017
  • Adopted: July 2019
  • Favorite Toy: Any red ball
  • Favorite Snack: Whaddya got?

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